Step 2 Find the target file and click the Open button to insert the file in the worksheet. The Insert File Object dialogue box will open. Step 1 Click the File Object icon in the Insert tab. To insert file object in the worksheet, follow the steps below: Step 3 Press the OK button to complete the operation. Then the inserted object will be displayed as an icon. Step 2 Select the Display as icon check box. WPS Spreadsheets supports a variety of object types, such as WPS Spreadsheets Workbook, WordPad document, and Microsoft Excel among others.Ĭreate from file: Insert objects which already exist in the system. Select the type of the object you want to insert in the Object type roll-down list. Step 1 Click the Object icon in the Insert tab and the Insert Object dialogue box will open.Ĭreate New: Insert object directly. The steps to insert an object in the worksheet are shown as follows: Select Webdings 2 from the Font dropdown list to display some of the Advanced Symbols in Word. Follow steps below to use these features. Obey the steps below to create a checkbox anywhere in your Word document: Place the insertion pointer at where you want to create the checkbox. In Spreadsheets 2016, you can either inert objects or file objects in your workbook. How to Insert Object and File Object in WPS Spreadsheets